There are two biggest mobile phone OS, named Android and iOS for which applications are built. As you may already know, Android is a product of Google, whereas, iOS is the creation of Apple Inc. Applications that are built for iOS run on iPhones and/or smart devices, however, android applications run on mobile devices which are built by OEMs. As per a leading grocery app development company, there are some similarities between android and iOS apps, the process of app development for each type of application can be fundamentally different.
So if you are considering developing an application for iOS, Android, or both, there are many considerations you have to make. It is vital for every mobile app development company that you comprehend the unique requirements for building an application to build a product that is surely appealing, highly functional, as well as user-friendly. Let us discuss some of these requirements at length.
Have a glance at the top 5 steps for developing an mobile app
Business Goals
At this point you have to cover the following points:
What business and which industry problem or requirement will the app solve?
What is the unique selling point of the app that makes it totally different from its counterparts?
What advantages will the app bring (financial benefits, brand awareness, customer retention, cost optimization, etc.)?
How will the users actually use the application?
According to the top-rated mobile app development company, comprehending the business idea will surely assist to define a set of effective functions for the solution.
Application’s Features, Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Any mobile application requirements document sample should include a detailed description of each major feature of the app. Each description must be complete with thorough characterization & at least one use case.
Besides the description of each function, you must add non-functional requirements for your app, like requirements regarding security, compatibility with various devices, performance, multi-language support, etc.
App UX, Design Notice, User Flow
Having at least a general overview of the application’s UX & overall user flow is surely helpful from a technical standpoint, as it gives the basis for future design. This is what every Flutter mobile app development company does. This doesn’t mean you should include a detailed wireframe, but a few guidelines will go a long way.
With defined design requirements & directions, it will be easier to create a well-thought-out and intuitive UI/UX that will be eye-catching and appealing to a user. This will also assist to weed out ideas that might not be well-received.
App Technology as well as Infrastructure Requirements
Defining the environment the application will be hosted in is vital to make the application requirements document really helpful. For example, the requirements for iOS application development are different from the requirements for a similar application for Android, which is why specifying the target technology from the very beginning is important.
Other business needs worth mentioning include the infrastructure the application is going to be distributed. Different application stores have policies & requirements that need to be accounted for during development.
Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies
Another most important aspect worth including in the mobile application requirements is none other than, assumptions – events that can influence project development, then implementation, and finally its success. For instance, if you are planning to use a 3rd-party library, there is no guarantee that it won't close down in a few weeks or that it doesn’t have any critical vulnerabilities.
Additionally, any potential technical constraints should be mentioned. The limits of the app should be well-defined, including any potential external tools & 3rd-party elements & integrations you can't exclude from the development. Besides, feature dependencies must be included too. According to the mobile app development company, if one feature doesn’t work without the other, it is vital to know how to properly strategize the process of app development.